Kristin M. Smith
NCMA Youth and Family ToursNCMALearn Website - redesigned then launched in August 2017AAM MUSE Awards: Honorable Mention in Education & Outreach for NCMALearn Website - May, 2018NCMA Partnership with Asheville Art Museum - Teacher Workshop: Visual LiteracyNCMA Partnership with SECCA - Teacher Workshop: Contemporary Art in the ClassroomNCMA Partnership with the Weatherspoon Art Museum - Educator Expo with Sheryl OringNCMA Partnership with the Weatherspoon Art Museum - Art Making with UNC-G Art TruckNCMA Partnership with the Weatherspoon Art Museum - Art Making with UNC-G Art TruckNCMA Spring Event - Reflect and Connect  (Interactive gallery experiences led by dancer Michelle Pearson, poet Dasan Ahanu, educator Jack Watson, artists Amy Keenan-Amago and Harriet Hoover)Exploring the Concept of Perspective: Concept Mapping around King Louis XVNCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and EnvironmentNCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and EnvironmentNCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment (Biological Illustration with NCSU Professor Jennifer Landin)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and EnvironmentNCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment (Urban Sketching with artist/educator Scott Renk)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment (Urban Sketching with artist/educator Scott Renk)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Environment NCMA Teacher Workshops: Exploring the Concept of PlaceNCMA Teacher Workshops: Exploring the Concept of PlaceNCMA Teacher Workshops: Exploring the Concept of PowerNCMA Teacher Workshops: Exploring the Concept of PowerNCMA Teacher Workshops: Exploring the Concept of TimeNCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Advocacy (Cyanotypes with artist/educator Leah Sobsey)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Advocacy (Cyanotypes with artist/educator Leah Sobsey)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Math (in conjunction with the M.C. Escher exhibition)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Math (in conjunction with the M.C. Escher exhibition)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Art and Math (in conjunction with the M.C. Escher exhibition)NCMA Teacher Workshops: Gallery ExperiencesNCMA Teacher Workshops: Gallery ExperiencesNCMA Teacher Workshops: Gallery ExperiencesNCMA Teacher Workshops: Gallery ExperiencesNCMA Educator ExpoNCMA Educator ExpoNCMA Educator ExpoNCMA Task Party with artist Oliver HerringNCMA Task Party with artist Oliver HerringNCMA Task Party with artist Oliver Herring2016-17 NCMA Collaborative Teaching Fellowship2017-18 NCMA Collaborative Teaching Fellowship2017-18 NCMA Collaborative Teaching Fellowship2018-19 NCMA Collaborative Teaching Fellowship2018-19 NCMA Collaborative Teaching Fellowship
Museum Education
This is a collection of museum programs and partnerships I have been directly involved in during my time at the North Carolina Museum of Art.